

Each month we publish articles of interest. Some of these topics come from questions we’re asked during our coaching sessions. Please bookmark this page to review content monthly.

Accountability And How It Works

Have you ever worked in an environment where team members were chronically late for meetings and when they did show up, interrupted the flow and needed to be caught up? How about trying to work with people who blamed others for their mistakes or made excuses for not finishing a task or hitting a goal? These are just a few...
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Responsible Communication

For many organizations, collaboration is a key element. But just because teams are collaborating more than ever doesn’t mean they’re doing it effectively – and the main culprit is usually communication. In an era where we’re balancing in-person, hybrid and remote workers, effective communication is more important than ever. But it takes work and it often means being candid. When...
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Psychological Safety And Teams

Take a moment and think about the last time you had a meeting with your team members. Was everyone engaged and encouraged to share their ideas? When someone did speak up, was everyone listening or were they distracted by their phones? Were new ideas or questions met with interest and enthusiasm or was there a bit of laughing and a...
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The Psychology Of Employee Engagement

We spend the majority of our week at the office, yet how often do we stop and think about what makes us really excited about our job? For leaders, do you ever consider what keeps team members motivated to do their best work? We get so caught up in the next project and deadline that sometimes we forget to focus...
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When Your Team Hits An Obstacle

You and your team are working on a project and, suddenly a problem (or two or three) develop and threaten to derail your progress. Dealing with obstacles and challenges is a regular part of working life and overcoming them isn't always easy. People tend to do three things when faced with a problem: 1) they get afraid or uncomfortable and...
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Building A Creative Problem-Solving Culture

It’s inevitable. Problems are going to happen in the workplace. It’s how leaders and team members approach them that makes all the difference. And trying to solve new problems using old solutions isn’t the answer. That’s why creative problem solving (CPS) is a such a vital skill to prioritize and develop. It fosters innovation, encourages brainstorming and approaches issues from...
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Recognizing A Strong Leader

If someone asked you, “what are the critical components of strong leadership”, what answer comes to mind? Maybe good listening skills or excellent communication would top the list. Or perhaps the ability to delegate and not micromanage. While all of those answers are spot-on, you may be surprised by one crucial component that’s often overlooked: self-reflection. If you’re in a...
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The Bests Ways To Practice Self-Reflection

For such a useful practice, the self-reflection process is not something we know how to do intuitively. It’s not something we learn about in school and it isn't part of most job training. Our work environments tend to focus on what to do next or how to do more. We’re shaped by “always moving forward” work cultures and we believe...
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The Resistance To Returning To The Office

A few years ago, it seemed like remote work was poised to become the norm, but fast forward to 2024 and it’s quickly becoming a sign of the past. Despite overwhelming enthusiasm and support for telework from workers, the trend is shifting and return-to-office (RTO) mandates are becoming more and more prevalent. In May, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (I-WV) and...
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Finding Ways To Make Back-To-Office Work More Palatable

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dynamics of the workplace underwent a major shift. So many of us became used to the flexibility of working from home. Our routines shifted, we started saving hours a week in commuting time and many of us found a work/life balance. Now, it seems like we’re poised to undergo another major shift:...
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Leah M. Joppy & Associates

Derwood, MD 20855

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(301) 670-0051