

Each month we publish articles of interest. Some of these topics come from questions we’re asked during our coaching sessions. Please bookmark this page to review content monthly.

Planning for the New Year

What a long, strange ride it has been in the last few years! If the last few years have taught us one major lesson, it’s that plans can get derailed and we must be willing to adapt. They've also given us an opportunity to assess our way of doing business within a new framework. For example, what are some of...
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Why Should I Work With A Coach?

We're glad you asked! Below are 14 possible reasons why people work with a coach. Do you recognize yourself in one of these reasons? Coaches know how to help you get what you want. Coaches know how to help manage and prevent setbacks. You have decision fatigue. You need accountability. You have trouble following through with goals. Limiting beliefs have...
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Leadership Coaching

We’ve all had at least one job where it felt like leadership was lacking. You probably remember what it was like – a lack of communication, no clear expectations or defining of roles and difficulty handling conflict. Add it all together and it makes for a less than pleasant work experience and likely one where you didn’t want to stay...
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Coaching for High Level Admin Staff

If you’re an executive assistant, does it feel like you make the impossible happen every single day? It’s a job that requires a lot of knowledge and flexibility, along with the ability to deal with all types of personalities. With the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the changes it’s brought to the workplace, you may be dealing with more stress...
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Coaching for Any Level

Wherever you stand in your job right now (entry level to executive), chances are you’re wondering what the future holds in the next year or five years and beyond. Do you feel like you’ve reached your full potential or do you feel like there’s something better for you out there? Is your career in alignment with your values? Do you...
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Life Coaching for Single Women

If you’re a single woman, it can sometimes feel like you’re part of a forgotten group. And if you’re a single woman of a certain age, it can feel like that times a thousand. Gone are the days where single women feel like they need to get married in order to feel fulfilled. Yet popular culture so often portrays them...
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How Can We Help?

Leah M. Joppy & Associates

Derwood, MD 20855

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(301) 670-0051