

The Impact Of Change On Our Personalities

Change and uncertainty. These two words have been constants in our professional lives for the past few months. Everyday seems to bring new questions, messages and expectations. It’s stressful, to say the least, when it feels like our world is being turned upside down. Change, at its core, is difficult for people to deal with, […]


Helpful Tips On How To Deal With Change

Change and uncertainty in our lives can cause a roller coaster of emotions: fear, anger and sadness, just to name a few. Viewing change as an opportunity can feel impossible when it seems like it’s coming at us from all directions. We can’t stop life’s ebbs and flows, but we can learn how to accept […]


Dealing With Change. Calling On Our Resilience.

“Change is the only constant in life.” You may not have known that this quote originated from Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, but we bet you’ve heard it a time or two! With the start of a New Year, a change in administration and so many other upcoming events, many of us are feeling the uncertainty  (and […]

Coaching Uncategorized

Effective Strategies For Building Your Resilience

Many of us work in constantly connected, ‘always-on’, highly demanding positions where stress and the risk of burnout are common. Add to that the changes of an upcoming administration and it can seem like it’s almost too much to deal with. Since the pace and intensity of our work culture aren’t likely to change anytime […]


Kindness And Its Impact On The Workplace

When you think about transformative practices in the workplace, the simple act of kindness may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But sayings like “one good act deserves another” and “one kind act will always create another” are more than posters on a wall or something that your mom said when you […]


How Does A Leader Build Kindness At Work?

Kindness hasn’t always been high on the list when it comes leadership. For some, leadership is about being tough and having people do what you say. For others, kindness is seen as a weakness or just the latest fad in leadership. But what if I told you that kindness may be the number one superpower […]


Accountability And How It Works

Have you ever worked in an environment where team members were chronically late for meetings and when they did show up, interrupted the flow and needed to be caught up? How about trying to work with people who blamed others for their mistakes or made excuses for not finishing a task or hitting a goal? […]


Responsible Communication

For many organizations, collaboration is a key element. But just because teams are collaborating more than ever doesn’t mean they’re doing it effectively – and the main culprit is usually communication. In an era where we’re balancing in-person, hybrid and remote workers, effective communication is more important than ever. But it takes work and it […]


Psychological Safety And Teams

Take a moment and think about the last time you had a meeting with your team members. Was everyone engaged and encouraged to share their ideas? When someone did speak up, was everyone listening or were they distracted by their phones? Were new ideas or questions met with interest and enthusiasm or was there a […]


The Psychology Of Employee Engagement

We spend the majority of our week at the office, yet how often do we stop and think about what makes us really excited about our job? For leaders, do you ever consider what keeps team members motivated to do their best work? We get so caught up in the next project and deadline that […]

How Can We Help?

Leah M. Joppy & Associates

Derwood, MD 20855

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(301) 670-0051