

Psychological Meaningfulness

Most of us spend the majority of our week at the office, yet how many of us find our job to be meaningful? It can feel like a pipe dream to find work that makes us feel fulfilled and motivated. And the numbers back this up: according to a study by Bates College and Gallup, […]


Job Crafting: Redesigning Work

What makes a job meaningful? Helping others? Salary or other perks? Flexibility? A sense of autonomy? The answers are as varied as the team members in your organization. What we do know is that perceiving a job as meaningful can be the difference between employees staying and contributing their best work – or moving on […]


Psychological Availability – How Does It Affect Your Organization?

Most people can agree that their work life has changed dramatically over the past few years. Zoom meetings are the norm. Hybrid schedules or work-from-home jobs are becoming typical.  And often, the lines between work life and home life have increasingly blurred. It has tested all of us and led to an increase in burnout […]


Psychological Availability and Work/Life Balance

According to Gallup research, before the pandemic, 76% of workers reported feeling burned out sometimes, while 28% of workers said they were burned out “very often” or “always” at work. With the events of the past few years, you can bet those numbers are likely trending upward. In our last article we looked at the term […]


What’s Your Vision Of Returning To Work?

Ah, September. The promise of cooler temperatures, the kids back in school, pumpkin-spice everything and a return to routine. For some, normalcy after a busy summer is a relief. But for others, it can be a big challenge after time off and a period of rest and relaxation. This year may be particularly difficult, since […]


Making The Transition To Work Easier For All

Labor Day weekend is behind us and summer is quickly becoming a memory. It’s back to business as usual, but for many, it can be challenging and downright daunting returning to a normal routine and finding motivation. And with so many workers returning to an in-person office after years of working from home, it can […]


Leading In A VUCA World

There’s no doubt about it, we’re living in a VUCA world. Although it sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie, VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. And it’s become even more pronounced over the past few years. What’s also becoming clear is that strong management within organizations is more vital than ever […]


A Word For An Unsettled Environment

Chances are, you’ve probably heard or read the acronym ‘VUCA’ (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) thrown around a time or two. It’s one of those buzz-worthy terms to describe the unsettled environment organizations have to deal with on a daily basis. And nothing has brought out VUCA more than the past few years, as organizations have […]

Coaching Uncategorized

Coaching Through Executive Changes

Change is an inevitable part of life – and especially the workplace. But that doesn’t mean change is easy and that there won’t be challenges when helping team members navigate organizational or executive transitions within a department. That’s where strong leadership from management makes the difference. All too often, departments are so caught up in […]

Coaching Uncategorized

Tips for Helping Employees Navigate Leadership Change

It’s often said that we’re living in a VUCA world: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Sometimes it seems like change is the only constant and one major example of that is today’s workplace. Whether it’s a leadership transition or organizational upheaval, managers are expected to help their team members navigate any and all changes and […]

How Can We Help?

Leah M. Joppy & Associates

Derwood, MD 20855

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(301) 670-0051